Dungeon Drafters New Demo - Gamescom

Hey There! I know it's been a while, but in this update, I finally want to talk about the fact that we have a new demo that we prepared for Gamescom! ✌

As you may or may not know, we made a successful Kickstarter campaign 2 years ago. During this period, the game changed a lot and this demo became a bit deprecated. Now that we are getting closer to the final release of the game, I want to update the demo available here on Itch.io

We are also super happy to be part of this event! And we hope that some people will play Dungeon Drafters for the first time.

For those who have already played the demo a long time ago, you will be able to notice some changes:

  • Now includes the main menu and title screen
  • New cards (actually, the real starting deck for The Mage)
  • New enemies, including the Plant and the False Dragon
  • Special Rooms and brand new structures

Overall it should be a more pleasant experience in all aspects that we believe the old demo used to fail. If it's the first time you're playing the demo, or you're excited to see what has changed from the old one, we believe you're going to have a blast!

I hope to hear your thoughts on the commentaries of the page and in our Discord server ✌



Dungeon Drafters Demo.zip 90 MB
Aug 26, 2022

Get Dungeon Drafters Demo


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I hope I don't sound like I'm hating but I loved the first ver way more than the new ones.  ill still buy the new one tho.